“Imagine Your Story”
A 4-week Summer Reading Program at UCPL
JUNE 20, 2020 —JULY 18, 2020
This summer we invite you to “Image Your Story” through reading fairy tales, fables, folklore, science fiction, fantasy, mythology, and more. Anyone can participate…Toddlers to Tweens (1-year olds to 12-year olds)! Adults too! …After all, those toddlers will need someone to read to them.
On Saturday, June 6th, begin to pick up registration forms for each participating child, come to the library between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. Forms can be found in the “Little Red Wagon,” next to the elevator, inside the foyer at the south door entrance on Hickory St.
We ask that you support the practice of social distancing on library property, and only one person at a time in the library foyer to collect and drop off reading registration forms:
1. Enter the building when you see through the doorway windows that the foyer is vacant of other patrons.
2. Pick up and take the form with you, remember to collect one (1) form for each participating child.
3. Please depart the building to fill out the Registration Form at home or in your vehicle.
4. Return the completed form(s) back to the Little Red Wagon at the library (south entrance on Hickory St.) during the business hours listed down below, on any date between June 6 and June 11.** When returning the registration forms we again ask that you observe social distancing and wait to enter when you see that the foyer is vacant of other library patrons.
(**If for some reason you are unable to register from June 6th through 11th, please don’t worry or be upset, you still may register anytime between June 11 through July 11.)
*At this time, we ask that you do not enter the rest of the library during this pick up and drop off reading registration activity.
This year the reading program is being expanded to include library books, as well as personally owned books or books from family and friends, and e-Books. Also new this year is the choice to exclusively “Read,” or to do a creative “Reading and Activity Project” combination. The handout sheet with the registration form will provide details and suggestion ideas for possible projects.
For this year participants will be keeping track of hours of reading time, and not the total number of books counted. Reading will include an expanded variety of options: such as books, comics, newspapers, magazines, graphic novels, food labels, etc. We want to encourage youth to read, explore and enjoy reading, and gain information, understanding and content from their reading.
Note: As in the past, a UCPL Library Card is needed to participate, and we invite ALL Union City children of Indiana and Ohio to join in on the fun. Mississinawa Valley Elementary students may still use their UCPL card from last year! If you do not have a UCPL card, this is not a problem, we can assist you. Simply give us a call at 765-964-4748, remember to speak clearly, leave your name and a phone number where we can best contact you, and we will reach out to you with information and instructions for getting a library card.
Important Dates:
Registration forms ( 1 per child) pick up, fill in and return – June 6 -11 (Late Registration will be available June 12 – July 11)
(Monday thru Friday, 2:30-5:30 and Saturday 11:30 – 2:30)
Pick up Reading Logs – June 18 – 20
(Thursday, Friday, 2:30-5:30 and Saturday 11:30 – 2:30)
Imagine Your Story Summer Reading – June 20 – July 18
Return Reading Logs – July 20 – 23
Pick up Awards & Certificates – July 25 – 31