Audible Stories

“Stories entertain. They teach. They keep young minds engaged. And they bring us together.

That’s why, for as long as schools are closed, Audible Stories will be open. Keeping to their founding belief that the spoken word can be inspiring and transporting in deeply intimate ways, they have created — a place where anyone, in any country, can enjoy unlimited streaming of hundreds of titles for kids and families for free.

The stories were hand-picked by the Audible editors and offer a mix of education, entertainment, and general-interest titles, from the classic to the contemporary, with a focus on stories that are suitable for children. The collection includes favorites like Winnie the Pooh, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Aladdin, Jane Eyre and The Call of the Wild.

Listeners can access the site from their computers, tablets and smartphones and enjoy selections in six languages – English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Japanese. There’s no log in and no need to be an Audible member. Just click on a selected title and start listening” -From the folks at “Audible Stories,” an company.